website contains numerous links to other machine knitting sites and other various information regarding machine knitting.
The Answer Lady

The Answer Lady website and YouTube channel is full of how to videos about knitting of all kinds, especially on knitting machines and knitting looms. There are also videos on gardening, sewing and herbs. My husband, Jack is a professional mechanic. He helps make the videos concerning machine maintenance.

Home of Garment Designer and Stitch Painter, Cochenille offers a variety of software and design aids for textile and fiber enthusiasts. They are practitioners, and actively design and create. Their audience is world wide and ranges from home hobbyists to the fashion industry. Our software works for sewing, knitting, crochet, beading, various stitchery, and other textile arts.
Diana Sullivan
Books and DVDs are designed to help machine knitters successfully create beautiful knits, with video demonstrations of key techniques, detailed sizing charts, plenty of color photos, plain unabbreviated language, and inventive solutions to make knitting easier and more fun. Diana emphasizes beautiful finishing and demonstrates exactly how to do it.
Susan Guagliumi
Online paid lessons for any machine knitter! Susan’s hand-manipulated stitches can be worked on absolutely any knitting machine, regardless of the brand or gauge! Beginner or experienced knitter, Susan has more than a few tricks to share with you! You can also find her classes on
Anna Haferman

Machine knitting tutorials and techniques on different models of knitting machines including Brother, Silver Reed and other vintage knitting machines.
Knit Knack Shop

Currently a dealer for and carry the full line of Silver Reed knitting machines as well as Design-A-Knit, Garment Designer & Stitch Painter computer knitting programs. United States and Canadian importers for Tamm Yarns. Located in Peru, Indiana.

A blog with all things machine knitting! Manuals, videos, articles, etc. Check it out!
Knitology 1x1

Elena creates knitting related videos and tutorials for machine knitters. She loves sharing her creativity and knowledge with other like minded people and hopes to inspire and teach as many people from around the world as possible. Currently working as a swatch designer (knitted textiles designer) for a London based knit studio she spends a lot of her time developing new stitches for swatches or clients according to their design brief.
MK Manuals

Formerly known as machine knitting etc, this site contains Manuals, User Guides, and Magazines From Brother Knitking, Silver Reed Studio, Passap as well as other models. All items posted on this site are free of charge. If you find something you want simply click the ‘Download’ link next to the item’s picture to either view or download the entire document
Machine Knit Community

An online, ad-free, friendly paid membership Community bringing together machine knitters from around the world.
Machine Knitting Monthly

Based in the UK, Machine Knitting Monthly Magazine packed full of advice, inspiration and patterns. Subscriptions can be purchased in the U.S. through Custom Knits and Mfg.

Founded in 1981 by Beatrice Carriere as Gresham Knitting machines. In 1988 they moved to Vancouver WA where they continue as a yarn distributor and importer of Silver Reed parts. Jerry was factory trained to repair Silver Reed Machines and Needle-Tek is the warranty repair center for the U.S. He was one of the warranty centers for Brother Knitting machines and continues to repair Brother, Toyota and Elna.
Roberta Rose Meads

Roberts Rose Mead has a YouTube Channel featuring many machine knitting tutorials. Find out more about her on her website,
Twisted Yarns

Mary Matz began publishing knitting and crochet patterns in her weekly column Twisted Yarns back in the 1990’s.
Since then, ideas keep flowing and yarn keeps twisting upon her hooks and needles. Fast forward and 30 years later, Twisted Yarns makes its debut on the web! Its sole purpose is to share thoughts, ideas, experiences and patterns related to knitting and crochet.
An avid knitter (both hand and machine) and crochet artist, Mary offers her audience a wealth of knowledge with a fun-loving “twist” on these fiber arts.
Soft-Byte Ltd.

Soft Byte Ltd is a United Kingdom software development company specializing in textiles software since 1992. They produce two major software packages: Design-A-Knit 9 distributed by many machine knitting companies and Fittingly Sew 3, a pattern drafting program for constructing well-fitting garments from non-stretchable fabrics.