Interknit Machine Knitting Club was founded in the fall of 1995 for the support, education, and fellowship of machine knitters of all experience and expertise levels, regardless of the make or model of machine used.

Interknit is not affiliated with any knit shop. It is self-supporting. Members include beginners, hobby knitters, designers, authors, teachers, and interested knitters from across the United States as well as a couple of foreign countries. Our club year begins in January with annual dues in the amount of $25 payable by December 31st of each year. New/returning members may join at any time during the year. Regular meetings are held via Zoom on the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.m. – Noon, Central Time Zone. A typical meeting includes a brief business meeting, an enthusiastic show and tell and a program provided by one of Interknit’s own demonstrators or a guest instructor. We also have two or three hour workshops/seminars with guest demonstrators each year, and we provide knitted items for local charities and organizations such as Wool-Aid.

Member Spotlight

Barb Palmer

Our Member of the Month, Barb Palmer, is an avid machine and hand knitter. She recently machine knit this plaid front sweater on the LK-150 by alternating the Intarsia carriage and the regular carriage every other row. Four (4) colors of Reynolds Paterna hand knitting yarn were used (which is sadly discontinued) along with bits of contrast colors for the plaid lice stitches. (Yes, you read that correctly! The little “v” stitches in knitting are called a “lice stitch”.) The technique consists of 1 row of intarsia using the Intarsia carriage and 3 yarns, then 1 row of slip stitch on every other needle, alternating, using the regular carriage and contrast yarns.  Rebecca Yaker Bird demonstrated this technique at our Interknit Meeting in July 2022. Members can view the full video demonstration in the InterKnit Programs FaceBook Group.  If you are not yet a member, please consider joining us here! The every other needle transfer tool (no longer sold by Susan Guagliumi) was very helpful when moving the Intarsia stitches (in C position) to the regular slip stitch position (in B position).  Great work Barb!

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